Update on The We've Been Protesting Project

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Update on The We've Been Protesting Project

A quick update on the We’ve Been Protesting project.
The project was launched towards the end of July last year and the initial announcement of the project was received positively. A number of weekends after, there was quite a bit of time dedicated to researching events and songs to add to the timeline. The timeline has grown quite a bit since the start and seeing this growth, it was time to take a step back and figure out what the goals for the project are long term.
The initial inspiration for the project was to create a visual representation of events in history and illustrate how those events have influenced our art. The primary goals in creating this, was to help educate, help the #antiracism dialog but also give individuals who may not know where to start, a place to start.
In thinking more on these initial goals and where we'd like the project to go long term, we came to the realization that the ultimate purpose of this project, is to strive for a time where it is no longer needed and there are no more events or songs that need to be added to the timeline. While reflection on the past and current state of affairs is really important to solving issues, we always want to keep one eye on the future.
Going forward, in addition to continuing to build the timeline, starting today, we are going to begin a campaign under We’ve Been Protesting called, “One Way to Protest, Is To Succeed.” In celebration of Black History Month, for the next 28 days, we'll highlight African-Americans in Science and Technology, Education, Art and the Military. To start, I am going to highlight individuals throughout history but ultimately we want to use this campaign to invest in and highlight young people in our community who are doing amazing things now!
Lastly, The We’ve Been Protesting project will continue to grow as time permits. There are some features that are being worked on and added to the project that we are really excited about, but we'll hold off in talking about them for now :) Stay tuned!