Day 5 Black History Month 2021 - Brigadier General Hazel Johnson-Brown

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Day 5 Black History Month 2021 - Brigadier General Hazel Johnson-Brown

Brigadier General Hazel Johnson-Brown (October 1927 – August 2011)
For day five of Black History Month, we’d like to highlight Brigadier General Hazel Johnson-Brown, an American Nurse and Educator who served in the United States Army from 1955 to 1983. She became the first African-American female General in the United States Army in 1979, was the first African-American Chief of the United States Army Nurse Corps and also served as the Director of the Walter Reed Army Institute of Nursing. She is buried at Arlington National Cemetery in Arlington, Virginia.
“Positive progress towards excellence, that’s what we want. If you stand still and settle for the status quo, that’s exactly what you will have.” – Brigadier General Hazel Johnson-Brown