Day 23 Black History Month 2021 - Charles Quinton Brown Jr.

Day 23 Black History Month 2021 - Charles Quinton Brown Jr.

Charles Quinton Brown Jr. (1962 – present)

For day 23 of Black History Month, we’d like to highlight 4 Star General Charles Quinton Brown Jr., an American airman and the first African American to be appointed Chief of Staff and to lead any branch of the United States Armed Forces.

Switching it up a bit with this post, instead of writing a summation of his accomplishments, which are vast, it seemed fitting instead to post a link to a statement he made last year on Race Relations and Civil Unrest, and his experiences as an African American in this country and serving in the military. Encourage everyone to watch his statement and take what he is saying to heart.

When you have the time, research his career. He is an inspiring man.